Approximately three-quarters of SDOC students plan to return to school buildings

The School District of Oconee County will see approximately 74% of students returning to school buildings when school starts on August 24, 2020.  Parents were asked to complete a pre-registration form earlier in the month, choosing from a face-to-face or remote option, SDOC@Home. Preliminary data indicates that of the 8,699 pre-registration forms completed, 6,464 (74%) chose face-to-face, 2,098(24%)  chose SDOC@Home, and 137 (2%) chose to withdraw from SDOC.  The deadline for returning students to choose SDOC@home was July 23rd.  Any student who did not complete the pre-registration form will be placed in face-to-face instruction. Numbers will continue to change as new students register in the weeks before school begins.

A breakdown of the data* by school level is below:

SDOC 2020-2021 School Options
  Face-to-Face SDOC@Home Withdrew
Total District 74% 24% 2%
Elementary 74% 24% 2%
Middle  70% 28% 2%
High  78% 22% 1%