Arson Awareness Week

Oconee County Emergency Services in conjunction with the United States Fire Administration will use this week to focus public attention on residential arson and provide communities with tools to reduce the incidence of this crime. The goal for this year’s Arson Awareness Week is to provide all residents with strategies to combat arson in their neighborhoods.  The motivations behind the burning of homes are curiosity, vandalism, concealing another crime, revenge and insurance fraud or arson for profit.  The down economy is also playing a major factor says District Fire Marshall with the Picket Post Camp Oak Fire Department TJ Harlos.  “The turn of the economy probably has more to do with it than anything.  We have seen a tremendous spike in self-set fires.  Arson is a term but we like to call it self set fires.” According to the United States Fire Administration in 2010, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated 27,100 home structure fires that were intentionally set. These fires caused 310 deaths, 860 injuries and $551 million in direct property damage, while home structure fires account for 60% of all intentional structure fires and 95% of associated civilian deaths.  Self-set fires also put local firefighters in danger, adds Harlos.  “90% of this county is volunteer, so there again we are putting local firefighters at risk in those situations.” Residential arson affects everyone through the loss of life, increased insurance premiums and needless expenses for fire and law enforcement professionals.  Harlos asks the community to focus attention on the crime of arson this week.  “The biggest thing you can do is become involved in your community.  Reporting something that you feel is suspicious, don’t feel bad about it and don’t second guess yourself, let somebody come out to check out and see if this is going on.  Again, you are looking out for yourself, your neighbor and your community.” For more information, on how you can help combat residential arson, visit