Bank awards $100K to Clemson’s Intelligent Farm

Wells Fargo has made a “green” investment in Clemson University. Through its foundation the top-tier international bank awarded $100,000 to support the Intelligent Farm, a project of Clemson’s Institute of Applied Ecology. The Intelligent Farm uses computers, satellites, field sensors and cell towers to provide real-time information that can improve farmers’ decision-making and enhance farm prosperity, environmental sustainability and food security. The Wells Fargo Clean Technology and Innovation Grant Program fosters innovative clean technologies and supports the growth of green jobs. The program funds research and development projects at universities and industry laboratories related to renewable energy, green buildings, energy efficiency, alternative transportation, water and sustainable agriculture. The goal of the Intelligent Farm research is to provide the latest technological tools to growers and consultants, such as Clemson Extension agents and specialists, who can make better-informed decisions on where and how much water and fertilizer are needed.