Be vigilant with the Weather Year Round

Now that Hurricane Florence has passed, Oconee County is breathing a sigh of relief that the Golden Corner is still shining bright. However, other parts of the state are just beginning to recover from the storm. Oconee County Deputy Chief of Special Operations and Emergency Manager Scott Krein encourages residents to be vigilant with the weather year round. “The biggest thing we want people to remember is just because the storm has passed we still need to be vigilant with weather around and we need to be thinking about all those areas that are still affected. We still have a disaster in a lot of the state and people need to just give those people that are still visiting because their homes may not be accessible, a little bit of comfort.” Some popular safety slogans to keep in mind are: ‘When lightening roars go indoors’ and ‘Don’t drown turn around’. Create an emergency plan for your family and practice that plan to ensure everyone in your home knows what to do and where to go when severe storms are forecast for the area.