Become a Member of the Foothills YMCA

It’s not too late to become a member of the Foothills Area YMCA this summer, says CEO Christle Ross. “The membership for the pool you can actually at the pool and it is a little bit different than our YMCA membership in the fact that it is specifically for the pool. The other memberships help you with discounts on your After School Programs, Summer Day Camp, etc. So, you can join and do those online when you register for one of our programs. If you are going to do multiple programs, if your kids are going to be in Summer Camp and then your also going to do After School, it is beneficial to do that because you are getting that discount throughout the year, so it actually pays off to be a member in that particular program. For the pool membership it is $80 for an individual and then it is $10 for each person that you are adding to the family. But that beats paying $4 a day every time each of you are coming to the pool. So, you are given a card and you are able to come and check in with that card rather than paying.” To learn more about membership in the Foothills Area YMCA, visit