Benefit Fashion raises $1,600

A benefit fashion held last month at Seneca High School raised over $1,600 for victims of domestic violence.  Cindy Lee, one of the organizers gives details.  “We raised a little over $1,600 and we still have funds coming in because it was held during spring break.  The benefit fashion show supported Mary’s Closet and to bring a Safe Harbor home to Oconee County.” Lee was appreciative to everyone for their involvement and especially thanked the sponsors and volunteers. “A Beautiful You Salon, Firefly, Mary’s Closet and my lovely and talented co-host Kim Crenshaw; I wanted to say thank you to them for supporting us.  I also want to thank the high school students who participated from Pickens High, Seneca High and West-Oak High.” Proceeds from the benefit fashion show will benefit Mary’s House and Safe Harbor, two organizations that provide emergency shelter and assistance to victims of domestic violence.