Blue Ridge Electric Crews work hard to restore Power

Thanks to repair crews, the power is back on in the eastern part of Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative’s territory, tells Vice President of Communications Terry Ballenger. “Yes, we had an outage pop up around 7:30am this morning and what crews discovered when they arrived was that we had a bad regulator in the substation. Crews had been in there two or three weeks ago and done some upgrades to the substation. This was a brand new regulator, its not one that you would expect to go bad because of old age because it hadn’t been there but just a couple of weeks. But it turned out to be a faulty regulator and so we had to get a crew in there to change it out. We had about 1,300 members out of power. We were able to back feed from some other substations and get about 800 or so of those back on. We still had about 550 out until a little bit before 11am this morning and finally got everybody back on then. So, that was all cleared up as of a little before 11am this morning.” During the outage, a couple of traffic lights along Highway 123 were out at the intersections. The failure occurred to a new regulator, which temporarily brought down the Corinth Substation, not far from the 7-11 and Food Lion stores.