Bridge Replacement in the Works for Cherokee Lake Road

The existing bridge on Cherokee Lake Road near Salem is considered unsafe, specifically in reference to larger vehicles, like fire trucks, due to structural and functional elements, and needs to be replaced, according to officials with Oconee County’s Roads and Bridges Department. This bridge is located where Cheohee Creek initially passes under the road.
By constructing a new bridge, it will allow larger, heavier vehicles to access the area and will improve the horizontal alignment of the road. This, officials said, will be achieved by super elevating the roadway across the bridge through the curve.
At their meeting on Tuesday of next week, the county council will be asked to award Thrift Development of Seneca a contract worth nearly $750,000 to build a replacement bridge, which is utilized by the county’s Choehee Valley Fire Substation, to get to Cheohee Valley Road.
The Oconee County Council meeting begins Tuesday night, December 7th at 6:00pm and is open to the public.