Cain to explain OC’s Position to Clemson City Council

Oconee County Councilman Paul Cain will speak during a City of Clemson public hearing tonight in opposition to the proposed annexation of seven acres inside Oconee County. “First off let me just say that we are really excited about the Lakeside Lodge project, that is something that is really needed in Oconee County and we are really ecstatic that they have decided to invest $45 million in Oconee County. The purpose of going to the Clemson City Council public hearing this evening is to let the City of Clemson know that Oconee County is adamantly opposed to any annexation of this property or any others into the City of Clemson. I just want to let them know, so they can hear it straight from a county council members mouth and a couple of other council members will be speaking as well I think, but let them know that we are not in favor of this and that we would look forward to working with the City of Clemson on other initiatives but the opportunities to do that will be hindered if they move forward with this.” The public hearing takes place at 6pm in Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall.