OC Council takes No Action on Project Omega

The Oconee County Council held an Executive Session last night in order to receive legal advice related to an economic development matter known as “Project Omega”. Oconee County Council Chair Edda Cammick gives details. “No action was taken in Executive Session. I would like to make a motion that we direct our county attorney to draft the cease and desist […]

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Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices reducing Fatal Crashes

Requiring all drunk driving offenders to install alcohol ignition interlock devices (IID) can reduce the number of impaired drivers in fatal crashes by 16%, according to a new study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. “AAA applauds IIHS for highlighting the important role ignition interlock laws play in reducing the number of crashes, injuries and deaths that occur […]

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Today is Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, which is Christian holiday to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross and his death at Calvary. Christians believe Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and rose again three days later. The three days are known as the Easter Triduum. The word ”good” in Good Friday stands for pious or holy. For most Christians, […]

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Former Utility Worker suing Westminster

A former water plant operator for the City of Westminster filed a lawsuit on Thursday against the city. The plaintiff, Fitzgerald Smith of Anderson County, alleges he lost his job last summer for “pretextual reasons” and in retaliation for Smith’s use of protected leave afforded by the Family Medical Leave Act. Filed by Smith’s attorney, Jeremy Summerlin of Greenville, in […]

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Today is National Vietnam War Veterans Day

Today, March 29, is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. This day honors the men and women who served and sacrificed during the longest conflict in United States history. It was on March 29, 1973, when combat and combat support units withdrew from South Vietnam. The war span nearly two decades and involved 500,000 U.S.military personnel of those 58,000 were killed. […]

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Dow Chemical Company settles False Claims Allegations

United States Attorney Beth Drake announced today that the Dow Chemical Company has agreed to pay the United States $479,000 to settle allegations that Poly-Carb, Inc., a former Dow subsidiary, violated the False Claims Act by submitting fraudulent materials certifications related to a federally-funded highway resurfacing project. In 2012, Poly-Carb, Inc., then a subsidiary of Dow, was awarded a subcontract […]

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