Find Restaurants serving Local Produce with App

Want to find a restaurant that serves up locally grown produce? There’s an app for that. The South Carolina Department of Agriculture unveiled its new “Fresh on the Menu” app this week. It helps users identify restaurants that include at least 25% Certified South Carolina Grown produce and products on their menus when in season. The app features four tabs; […]

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Clemson Teacher named SC History Teacher of Year

A teacher from Clemson was recently named the 2013 South Carolina History Teacher of the Year.  Congratulations go to Sarah Turpin of Clemson Elementary.  The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, HISTORY® and Preserve America selected her from teachers across the state.  Turpin teaches American History and Civics at Clemson Elementary, which is in the School District of Pickens County. […]

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Utility Projects highlight Proposed Seneca Budget

Utility projects highlight the proposed fiscal year 2014 budget in the City of Seneca.  The proposed budget of $45 million includes two major utility projects that call for upgrades to be made at the city’s water treatment plant and electric substation.  Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander says this is an investment in the city’s future.  “When I know I am putting […]

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Tips to keep Stinging Insects from ruining Summer Fun

Summer is here!  That means it’s time to fire up the backyard barbecues and just enjoy playing outdoors.  It’s also the time when summer stingers begin to make their appearance.  Stinging insects send more than 500,000 people to the emergency room every year. These pests are not just a nuisance.  In addition to their painful stings, they can pose a […]

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OCPL presents “Ghost Pro”

The Oconee County Public Library invites the community to join them on June 17 at 7pm at the Walhalla Library for a program about ghost hunting and investigations. Professional Investigator and Medium, Catherine Vinson of Ghost Paranormal Research Organization, will give a condensed, one-hour presentation that she has been teaching at area community colleges. She will share safety tips as well as […]

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National Weather Service confirms Tornado hit Anderson

The National Weather Service is confirming that a tornado touched down in western Anderson County Sunday afternoon. The storm was a category EF-1 with winds up to 95 miles per hour.  The tornado cut a path along Highway 187, near the intersection with Busby Road.  Officials with the National Weather Service said the tornado stayed on the ground for about four […]

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Link between Sunscreen and Aging

Regular sunscreen use can improve your looks. It’s not just for preventing skin cancer, although that’s a good enough reason to put it on. Dr. Adele Green of the Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Australia and colleagues measured skin changes over time by taking special molds of the tops of their hands.  The study examined what impact sunscreen had […]

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Gastric Bypass helpful in controlling Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a recognized epidemic in the United States and around the world. A new study examined whether bariatric surgery in addition to lifestyle changes and medications can help control the disease in moderately obese patients.  “In the United States patients get Type 2 diabetes on average at a body mass index of 31.” Dr. Sayeed Ikramuddin and […]

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Anderson Murder Suspect arrested

An Anderson man wanted for murder is in police custody.  The Anderson Police Department reports that Curtis Tywan Fowler was arrested Monday by deputies with the Anderson County Sheriff’s Office.  He was taken into custody near the 28 Bypass. Fowler is to be arraigned in court today, a procedure where the defendant is advised of the charges against him. Fowler […]

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Challenge issued to FFA Students

The 2013 edition of the Carolina Foothills Heritage Fair will be held October 1- 5, at 178 Hayfield Road near Westminster.  This year’s fair will be centrally located near the intersection of Highway 11 and Highway 123 across from Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative.  A challenge is going out to members of the Future Farmers of America chapters of Oconee County […]

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