Seven killed on SC Highways over weekend

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety announces seven people were killed on state roads and highways from Friday, May 31, at 6pm until Sunday, June 2, at midnight.  As of June 2, 278 people have died on South Carolina highways, compared to 360 highway deaths in this same time period in 2012.  Oconee County reports one highway fatality in […]

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Lee Homicide is Oldest Unresolved Case in OC

This year, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is coordinating efforts through the media, its website, and social media sites to publicize the cold and unsolved cases of the Sheriff’s Office.  This week, the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office is focusing attention on the unsolved case of Marcus Lee, who was found beaten to death on December 8, 1986. The unsolved homicide […]

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Walhalla Legion helps School Back Pack Program

The Walhalla American Legion has taken a special interest in helping “further” the Oconee County School District’s “Back Pack Program”.  Jerry Dyar, Walhalla Legion spokesman said, “At our May meeting, Post 124 presented a check for $5,000 to foundation representative John Michael Powell.  The Walhalla American Legion had donated $2,500 during the program “start up effort” a couple of years […]

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OC Law Enforcement meeting

The Oconee County Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Health and Welfare Committee will meet on Monday, June 10 at 6pm in Council Chambers of the Oconee County Administrative Offices, which are located at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla to discuss various issues.

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Duke Energy public meeting

The Oconee County Council announces that the county will be hosting a Duke Energy public information meeting on Wednesday, June 12, at 6pm regarding the Keowee-Toxaway Relicensing Program.  The meeting will be held in Council Chambers of the Oconee County Administrative Offices, which are located at 415 South Pine Street in Walhalla.

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Graham comments on passing of Senator Lautenberg

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement on the passing of Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-New Jersey). “It was with great sadness I learned of Senator Lautenberg’s passing.  He was a fine man who served his nation honorably in World War II.  He was a true gentleman who will be missed by his family, friends, and colleagues in the […]

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OC Red Cross needs Volunteers

The American Red Cross is the largest volunteer organization in the United States. Each year over one million Americans serve as Red Cross volunteers.  The call is going out for civic-minded residents of Oconee County to become volunteers with the Red Cross, explains Kathy Rogers, executive director of the Oconee County Chapter of the American Red Cross.  “We need volunteers, […]

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Martin named chair of Glenn Depart of Civil Engineering

James Martin has been named chairman of Clemson University’s Glenn Department of Civil Engineering. He comes from Virginia Tech, where he is a professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Disaster Risk Management Institute. Martin has served on the CEE faculty since 1990. His main research and teaching interests include geotechnical earthquake and foundation engineering, soil and […]

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