Graham opposes President’s Gun Control Proposal

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) made this statement in opposition to President Obama’s gun control proposal.  “The recent tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School is heartbreaking and beyond words.  However, the gun control plans brought forward by President Obama fail to address the real issues and I am confident there will be bipartisan opposition to his proposal. One bullet […]

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Building Relationships talking about New Jail

During the last nine months, Oconee County leaders have been in discussions with officials from the City of Walhalla on where to locate a new detention center.  The Oconee County Council postponed talks until after the November elections to include the new sheriff.  Oconee County Administrator Scott Moulder updates plans for a new detention center in the county.  “We are […]

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Charlie Daniels Tickets going fast

The headlining entertainment for this year’s Seneca Fest 2013 is attracting a lot of attention and tickets to see the Charlie Daniels Band are going fast.  The concert is scheduled for Saturday, May 25 at Gignilliat Field.  Seneca Events Coordinator Riley Johnson says over 500 tickets have already been sold to the concert in the first month.  “We are over […]

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Rating System helpful enrolling in Medicare Plans

Seniors eligible for Medicare can either enroll in a fee for service system or the Medicare Advantage Plan, where a number of private insurers contract with Medicare to deliver health care.  A new study examined whether providing a star rating system for these different plans was associated with beneficiaries’ decisions about plan enrollment. “Each health plan receives anywhere from 1 […]

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DHEC warning about Stomach Bug

The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control is warning residents about the spread of a stomach bug.  January marks the rise of the stomach bug known as norovirus. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and stomach cramping. DHEC officials say that while this is sometimes known as the stomach flu, it has nothing to do with influenza. DHEC officials […]

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Update on New WHS

An update on plans for the new Walhalla High School was given this week to the Board of Trustees for the School District of Oconee County.  The Board heard about site preparation and when actual construction is set to begin, explains Oconee County Assistant Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland.  “While construction is progressing nicely it has been slow over the last […]

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Clemson’s Leggett elected into ABCA Hall of Fame

Clemson University head baseball coach Jack Leggett will be inducted into the American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame next year. Leggett is part of a seven member class that will be announced later this year. The induction ceremony will take place in January of 2014 in Dallas.  Leggett accepted the honor on behalf of The University of Vermont, Western […]

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OC Council to hold Strategic Planning Retreat

The Oconee County Council will hold a strategic planning retreat next month to discuss the short term and long-term goals for the county.  Oconee County Councilman Paul Corbeil stated these goals heading into the retreat next month. “First and foremost it remains job creation and the other side of that which is workforce development.  We can have a strong influence […]

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Highway Safety Laws need Improving

The group Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety concludes that after years of declines highway deaths during the first 9 months of 2012 rose more than 7%, the biggest jump in 37 years. All states plus Washington DC were graded on adopting 15 basic traffic safety laws. Advocates President Jackie Gillan says everyone traveling on highways is at risk. “We […]

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West-Oak hires New Football Coach

West-Oak High School has a new head football coach.  After a two-month search, West-Oak High School Athletic Director Tim Sheriff announces that Josh Pierce will lead the Warrior football program.  Pierce is a former Newberry College standout.  Playing running back at Newberry, Pierce garnered two-time all-conference recognition and MVP honors.  He has nine years coaching experience, the past six spent […]

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