Georgia Couple pleads to Drug Charges

A Georgia couple charged with storing and distributing cocaine to residents of the Upstate has pleaded guilty in federal court and now awaits sentencing.  An announcement from the U.S. Attorney’s Office states that John Melvin Cannon pleaded guilty to conspiracy to launder money and Kasondra Cannon pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting the possession of cocaine. During their investigation, authorities […]

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SDOC celebrates Four National Board Certified Teachers

The School District of Oconee County is proud to announce that, in addition to the 98 Oconee County teachers who are already certified under the stringent National Board process, four more teachers have met the requirement. This brings Oconee County’s number to 102 teachers who are National Board Certified.  Congratulations goes out to Chandra Black of Fair-Oak Elementary, Katherine Elliott […]

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Test Homes during Radon Action Month

During Radon Action Month, everyone is being urged to test homes for an unwanted intruder that cannot be seen or smelled. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has named January as Radon Action Month because the health effects of the gas tend to be downplayed or ignored.  Radon is a naturally occurring, invisible, odorless, tasteless gas that is dispersed in the […]

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OC only Upstate County to see Job Growth

Oconee County received some recognition this week in Columbia as the House Ways and Means Committee heard a report that the Golden Corner was the only place in the Upstate that saw employment growth.  Oconee County Economic Development Commission executive director Richard Blackwell gives details. “Frank Rainwater, who is the Chief Economist for the state of South Carolina, made a […]

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No Westminster Pool this Summer

The City of Westminster announces that it will not open its municipal pool this summer.  At a special called meeting Tuesday night, the Westminster City Council voted no on the pool based on two factors outlined during a discussion of recreation priorities, explains Westminster City Administrator David Smith.  “The first thing the City Council had to consider is the new […]

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Sewer overflows in Clemson

A sewer overflowed in the City of Clemson for roughly two hours Wednesday afternoon near Woodland Way. The City reports the overflow was about 1,000 gallons and was caused by a sewer main blocked by grease.  A utilities crew responded, but the overflow reached a nearby creek, which passes through the vicinity of Woodland Way, Riggs Drive, Poole Lane, Strode […]

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Student Veterans Assistance Center to open at Clemson

A group of student veterans at Clemson University is opening a center on campus designed to help other veterans navigate the transition from the battlefield to campus. The Student Veterans Association will cut the ribbon to open the Student Veterans Success Center and GI Bill Help Desk at 1:30pm on Friday. Volunteers from the Student Veterans Association will staff the center […]

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2012 Preliminary Highway Safety Trends in SC

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety reports that a preliminary number of 837 people died on South Carolina roadways in 2012, compared to 828 traffic-related deaths in 2011. Vulnerable roadway users, such as pedestrians, bicycle, moped and motorcycle operators, and deaths resulting from lack of safety belt use were two of the areas showing the most notable statistical increases based on preliminary […]

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Tier 4 of Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program

Federal unemployment benefits will continue for thousands of South Carolinians due to Congress extending the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program for one year.  However, due to the recent continued decline in the state’s unemployment rate, South Carolina has triggered off of Tier 4 in the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program. That means those Tier 3 claimants, who exhaust Tier 3 either on […]

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Officials want More Tourists on SC’s Scenic Byways

Officials say they want more focus on South Carolina’s little-known destinations as they try to expand the state’s tourism industry. State leaders gathered at the Statehouse on Wednesday to announce a new $50,000 grant from Duke Energy. Tourism officials say the grant will allow them to create a plan that better promotes the four scenic byways that make up the South Carolina National Heritage […]

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