Celebrate Christmas with a Hero needing Donations
With only a few days remaining before Christmas, a local organization is scrambling to gather toys and clothes for needy kids in Oconee County. Celebrate Christmas with a Hero is still accepting new toy and clothing donations as well as monetary donations at Seneca City Hall, explains Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander. “This year the toys were not coming in as good, I know we had set the deadline for Dec. 12 but we extended the deadline because some of the events, like the Cruise-in was going to be where they were going to be able to get some toys, but because of the weather it has slowed down some things. There are a lot of needy kids here in this community that we want to make sure have something for Christmas.” Mayor Alexander tells how to donate to Celebrate Christmas with a Hero. “If you want to go buy something, it can be unwrapped and you can bring it to City Hall. If you would like to give a monetary donation, you can give it directly to Sgt. Lisa Williams with the Seneca Police Department, she will go get something for this child, and she knows what they need. But there are still lots of children here in this community that are in need.” Everyone deserves something at Christmas, concludes Mayor Alexander. “We just want to be able to give them something at Christmas and more than likely it is something that they really need too.” Children are screened by an established protocol and are referred to Celebrate Christmas with a Hero through private, governmental, clergy affiliates, and others that are aware of needs. This is a 501c3 non-profit organization where upon a tax letter can be prepared upon request for donations.