Change Batteries when you change the Time

We spring forward this weekend. Daylight Saving Time officially begins at 2am on Sunday, March 11. As you change the time, Oconee County Emergency Services Deputy Chief of Emergency Management and Special Operations Scott Krein encourages you to change the batteries in your smoke detectors. “So often we find that when we have a fire that there wasn’t a working smoke detector, if it be the battery dead or not. So, we recommend to check your smoke detector every time the time changes. So, when the time changes, replace your batteries and be safe.” This week is Severe Weather and Flood Safety Week in South Carolina. Chief Krein says it is a good time to prepare your family for natural disasters. “Well, the week brings up a good opportunity for us just to emphasis the need for a family plan, a family emergency kit and to stay informed. So, it is a good time to just pull that stuff out, if you have one, if you don’t have one, go ahead and make it. can give you everything that you need as far as information. We just encourage everyone to make sure that you are prepared for the disaster that unfortunately happens too often.” Severe storms, tornadoes and flash floods are significant hazards in the Palmetto State. It’s important for people to develop emergency plans and be prepared to take proper safety precautions should the need arise.