Check City’s Website for Highway 93 Construction Delays

Motorists traveling along Highway 93, now called Walter T. Cox Boulevard, are encouraged to check the City of Clemson’s website for construction delays, says Mayor JC Cook. “The traffic patterns change all the time, so be very cognizance keeping up if you have to travel that way. I’ve heard that the intersection of College Avenue and Highway 93 this week will be completely closed, so that will affect a lot of people that have to travel that way. So, just check the website, make sure that you can go that direction, know when it is going to be closed and which directions it is closed so that you can find alternate ways to wherever you need to go. Also I want to ask people to try to go downtown to visit our stores, restaurants and things downtown. This construction has taken a toll on their business this summer because of drive-thru traffic and it has just made it harder for them. So, make an extra effort to go down there and visit our businesses downtown to keep them viable.” So, check the city’s website at if you have to travel along Walter T. Cox Boulevard in the coming weeks.