City Of Walhalla Fire Department Begins Testing And Flushing Of Hydrants Today

(Seneca, SC)———————–The city of Walhalla Fire Department will begin testing and flushing more than 200 fire hydrants in and around Walhalla today. The testing and flushing of the fire hydrants is part of the bi-annual hydrant maintenance schedule as well as a requirement by the Insurance Service Office, which is the organization that sets property insurance rates based off their safety ratings. 

While this flushing and testing goes on, there may be some pressure drops and discoloration of water near areas where the hydrants are being flowed. The Walhalla Fire Department advises that running the water four to five minutes will take care of the problem and that citizens should not wash their clothes until the discoloration has cleared. The testing in the business district will take place after normal business hours. 

For more information, contact the city of Walhalla Fire Department at 864-638-4345.