Clemson City Council Meeting Tonight

Clemson City Council will meet this evening at 6 p.m. at Clemson City Hall, 1250 Tiger Blvd. #1, to discuss various items, including the first reading of the fiscal year 2024-25 operating budget. The meeting will open with a public hearing on the budget, allowing five minutes per speaker. Proclamations for Pride Month, Race Amity Day, National Gun Violence Awareness Day, and Yaolin Liu will follow, with a three-minute limit for public comments. The council will set a date for a zoning change hearing, assign liaisons for the “408-412 College Avenue” and “Roar Bar and Tacos” projects, and consider several policy actions, including amendments to occupancy violation rules, establishing a Sustainability Advisory Committee, and adopting the FY 2024-25 budget. The meeting will conclude with a discussion on a CAT transportation services agreement with Clemson University.