Clemson City Council releases Meeting Agenda

The City of Clemson has released the agenda for the Regular Council Meeting on Monday, Nov. 6. Among other items, the Clemson City Council will receive a report and overview of the Berkeley Pedestrian Bridge ribbon cutting that is scheduled for Friday, Nov. 10, at 2:30pm, receive a report regarding construction and financial status of the City of Clemson capital projects, consider second reading of an ordinance to incorporate changes associated with the Floodplain Ordinance, consider for approval an Agreement and Resolution with First Citizens Wealth Management to establish authorized representatives to manage investment funds and establish First Citizens as managing agent, consider authorizing the City Administrator to accept a Proposal for a Feasibility Study of a Downtown Welcome Center to be conducted by LS3P Architects, as well as an Executive Session to consider appointments to the Board of Architectural Review. The Nov. 6, meeting is open to the public. It takes place at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber of Clemson City Hall, which is located at 1250 Tiger Boulevard.