Clemson City Council to meet on Monday

The Clemson City Council holds their regular monthly meeting at 6:30pm on Monday, July 16. According to the agenda, the Clemson City Council will receive staff reports on proposed zoning amendments to be presented for upcoming public hearings at the next Council meeting, receive a report from City Attorney Mary McCormac regarding the placement of a question on the November general election ballot, which would allow businesses to apply for a permit for Sunday alcohol sales with on or off premise consumption, receive a report on the Highway 123 to College Avenue Sewer Force Main replacement project, receive a report regarding proposed increase in Commercial Sanitation Rates to provide revenues sufficient to offset the increase of Pickens County landfill tipping fees that became effective on July 1, consider adoption of a policy to manage how Street Light Banners are to be displayed, consider a resolution that authorizes the transfer of three Thomas Buses from CATbus to Santee Wateree Regional Transportation Authority (SWRTA) that were borrowed during the past fiscal year and consider acceptance of the Totties South Bridge and walkway through sole source so that the bridge and walkway will match existing bridge. In addition, the council will hold an Executive Session to discuss matters related to the proposed location, expansion, or the provision of services encouraging location of businesses in the area served by the public body, negotiation issues related to Clemson University and CATbus service contract renewal for fiscal year 2018-19, negotiations on an incident to proposed contractual arrangements and an appointment to the City’s Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee. The meeting is open to the public and takes place in Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall at 1250 Tiger Boulevard.