Clemson City Council to meet on Tuesday

The Clemson City Council meets on Tuesday, Jan. 16, 2018. A public hearing is scheduled for 6:15pm, followed by the regular monthly meeting at 6:30pm. According to the agenda, the Clemson City Council will discuss an ordinance to regulate Social Hosts Requirements and discuss installing three transformer pads and removing overhead utilities at the intersection of Foy Creek and Earle Street. In addition, the Clemson City Council will consider a resolution for Lease Supplement Agreements with Verizon Wireless to install small cell communications equipment at six separate sites within the City of Clemson, consider the bids for the demolition of the existing and installation of a new 8’ X 60’ pedestrian bridge in Twelve Mile Park outside of the City to offset the easement cost for utilities located on Army Corp property, consider guidelines for management of the new Fire Station Community Room, consider bids to replace the flat roof at the Calhoun Bridge Center, consider an ordinance to amend the City Code to reduce the number of members and required backgrounds for Building and Fire Board of Appeals and consider an ordinance to amend the City Code Chapter 11 Municipal Utilities Article I. The meeting is open to the public and takes place in Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall at 1250 Tiger Boulevard.