Clemson City Council To Meet Tonight; A Decrease In Debt Service Millage Part Of Next Fiscal Year’s Budget

(Seneca, SC)————–Clemson City Council will have their regularly scheduled meeting tonight at 6:30pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.
Before tonight’s meeting, City Council will have a public hearing beginning at 6pm regarding the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 budget. In fact, Council will have the second reading on the budget during tonight’s meeting.
Clemson Mayor J.C. Cook was a guest on the Coffee Time program last Friday and the Mayor said that he felt the city had a good budget. In fact, there will be a one-half mill tax decrease in the budget because of growth in the city.
The Mayor said that because of growth and an increase in tax revenue due to that growth, the city can make their bond payments with less millage than in the past.
Mayor Cook says the city has in excess of $1.5 million dollars funds that has built up over the past few years for planning purposes.
The Mayor said the city will be making a decision over the next few months in regards to spending priorities for the excess funds.