Clemson Cooperative Extension Holding Workshop For South Carolina Forest Landowners Relating To Carbon Credits

(Seneca, SC)———————Clemson Cooperative Extension experts will be holding a workshop soon on the Clemson Campus at the Madren Conference Center that will show South Carolina Forest Landowners how they can create a new revenue stream and help combat climate change by participating in the carbon market. 

The workshop is entitled “Carbon Market for South Carolina” and it is scheduled from 9am until 3pm on Thursday, May 23rd. The cost is $50 and includes lunch. The cost for students is $20. Seating is limited and preregistered is required. To register, go to 

According to a press release from the University, the workshop will inform landowners about the amount of carbon sequestered due to various forest management activities. Forest owners will learn how they can generate and trade carbon offsets, also know as carbon credits.