Clemson going Green with Recycled Caps and Gowns

Clemson University students who will receive degrees May 10 were able to buy caps and gowns made of recycled plastic bottles.  The Media Relations Department at Clemson University reports that not only are they almost indistinguishable from the traditional caps and gowns, they are manufactured in the U.S. and can be recycled after graduation. There will be recycling bins at the on-campus Barnes and Noble bookstore, which partnered with the Division of Student Affairs to offer the “green” caps and gowns. The recycled versions cost $3 more than traditional caps and gowns. The extra goes to a Clemson sustainability fund to promote other environmentally friendly projects. The manufacturer, Oak Hall Cap and Gown, has agreed to donate an additional 25 cents to the fund for each cap and gown sold. Of 2,071 caps and gowns sold, 1,763 were the recycled Green Weaver products. With 85% of the graduating seniors choosing the recycled versions, more than $5,000 will be contributed by students to the sustainability fund and more than 40,500 plastic bottles were recycled.