Clemson holding Pill Take Back Day on Saturday

On Saturday, Oct. 27, the City of Clemson holds a Pill Take Back Day from 10am to 2pm at the Clemson Free Clinic, which is located at 1200 Clemson Boulevard. Clemson Mayor JC Cook encourages residents to take advantage of this opportunity to safely dispose of expired medications. “A lot of people say well I’ll just flush them down the toilet, well that’s not the thing to do because all of those chemicals then go to the wastewater treatment plant, which throws all their readings out of whack and eventually that water has to be cleaned up and it goes back into the lake. So, that is just not the thing to do. There are safe methods to get ride of your old pills. Take Back Day, they know how to handle them, what to do with them and to get ride of them in the proper manner. I think everybody at one time or another probably ends up with some sort of prescription medication where they have some leftovers and this is just a good time and a good way to clean the cabinet out and get those out of your possession and do it in a good safe manner.” Other drop off locations in Pickens County are Baptist Easley Hospital at 200 Fleetwood Drive in Easley and AnMed Health Cannon at 123 W.G. Acker Drive in Pickens. If you cannot make these events, the City of Clemson Police Department has a drop box in their lobby that is open throughout the year.