Clemson hosts Work Session on Comprehensive Plan Tonight

The Clemson City Council hosts a work session on the comprehensive plan tonight, Sept. 26, 2018, from 6-8pm. The City of Clemson is required by law and motivated by common sense to have a comprehensive master plan. The current plan was adopted in December of 2014 and was the culmination of hundreds of hours of volunteer and staff time. The state of South Carolina also requires the plan to be reviewed and, if need be, updated every five years. That means the city needs to complete the review and adopt any updates by the end of 2019. In order to honor the hard work done to create the 2024 comprehensive plan and to jump start the update process, a group of citizens, council members, staff, and members of city boards and commissions have spent the last 7 months looking at the current comprehensive plan and evaluating where the city has done a good job and where more work needs to be done. The results of this committee work will be presented to the Clemson City Council on Wednesday, Sept. 26. This meeting will also begin the process of updating each of eight sections; Housing, Transportation, Land Use, Town and Gown, Natural Resources, Economic Development, Cultural Resources, and Community Facilities of the comprehensive plan. Over the next 12 months the city will host a series of opportunities for public input. Citizens of Clemson are encouraged to participate in as many of the categories as they would like and the city will accept email ideas and suggestions as well to [email protected]. The meeting is open to the public and takes place in Council Chambers of Clemson City Hall at 1250 Tiger Boulevard.