Clemson makes induction into Fort Hill Legacy Society

Clemson University honored two of its most cherished supporters Friday with a bronze leaf dedication and induction into the Fort Hill Legacy Society, posthumous honors for donors who leave $1 million or more to the university. The Clemson University Media Relations Department reports that the leaf honoring Samuel Broughton and Patricia Oliver Deal of Holden Beach, North Carolina, was placed under the Second Century Oak, which stands at Fort Hill on the historic site of the Trustee Oak and the university’s first board of trustees meeting. Samuel B. Deal (’43) valiantly served his country in World War II’s Battle of the Bulge, receiving a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart. After the war, he enjoyed a 40-year career as a leading engineer at RCA, obtaining numerous patents. The visionary investment from the Deals will promote alternative energy research, changing the course of energy consumption and improving the environmental well-being of future generations.