Clemson Yearbook Archives go Digital

Clemson University’s special collections library has digitized the complete run of Clemson’s yearbook, Taps, from the first volume in 1899 through 2012. Through a partnership with the Internet Archive, the Taps were scanned cover-to-cover in full color. Online visitors can page through volumes, search the full text, download PDFs and view them on Kindles. The first Clemson yearbook, The Clemson College Chronicle, was published in 1899. The yearbook had several names before finally becoming Taps in 1908. Also available digitally are archives of the Clemson undergraduate announcements catalog and the Clemson Chronicle, the student literary journal. In the coming months additional publications will be made available. When all these publications have been digitized, more than 100,000 pages of full color, text-searchable Clemson-related materials will be available for researchers worldwide.