Comment solicited on SC Employment Programs
The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce, State administrative entity for the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act, invites public comment regarding proposed performance goals for Program Year 2013. The Workforce Investment Act proposed goals reflect increases over Program Year 2012 goals in five of the nine performance measures. Three proposed goals are at current levels and one represents a decrease. Wagner-Peyser Act proposed goals reflect current Program Year 2012 levels. Proposed goals will be negotiated with and ultimately approved by the US Department of Labor. Comments or questions on Workforce Investment Act and/or Wagner-Peyser performance goals can be sent to the below address but are preferred to be sent electronically to Ms. Pat Sherlock, Workforce Development Director, at [email protected], no later than 5pm on June 10, 2013. Comments will be reviewed and changes made as appropriate and needed. Submit any comments regarding performance goals to Ms. Pat Sherlock, Workforce Development Director, SC Department of Employment and Workforce, PO Box 1406, Columbia, SC, 29202.