Contract Construction announces Student of the Month Program

A new program has been launched in the School District of Oconee County (SDOC) aimed at recognizing students interested in building the construction workforce in the county. Contract Construction Inc. has partnered with the SDOC to honor a Construction Student of the Month, explains Dr. Meghan Ketterman, Director of Business Development at Contract Construction. “So, we are very passionate about creating our own workforce for the construction industry. The leadership of our company understands the value of starting from the ground up and the local grassroots effort and really just training those future workers for their potential in the construction industry when they graduate high school.” SDOC Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland thinks this is a great program for the public school system. “We’re really excited about it. It is great to help our students prepare for their careers and to just shine a spotlight on some of the wonderful things that are happening at the Career Center. The construction trades are desperate for workers and employees, so anything we can do to entice our students to pursue those careers that is an added bonus for us. So, we are just thankful that Contract Construction is stepping up to the plate to help us out.” Several students are eligible for the Contract Construction Student of the Month Program, adds Dr. Ketterman. “This Student of the Month Program is not just at the Hamilton Career Center, we are highlighting students in all of the high schools in Oconee County, so West-Oak, Walhalla and Seneca High School in addition to the Hamilton Career Center. So, this program is open to any student that is enrolled in a construction program, agricultural mechanics program, engineering and architectural program at these schools in addition to the Hamilton Career Center. So, we are wanting to just highlight any student that has initiative and wants to further pursue a career possibly in construction.” Each month during the school year, teachers will submit applications to a review panel and then one student in the district will be recognized as the Contract Construction Student of the Month.