Contract Construction Names Student Of The Month For The Month Of March

(Seneca, SC)—————Contract Construction named their Student of the Month for the month of March, which was Chris Mullikin from Walhalla High School. Chris is in a building construction class at Walhalla High School. 

Dr. Meghan Ketterman, who is the Director of Business Development with Contract Construction, discusses the genesis of the Student of the Month program and the importance of the program in regards to the future of the construction industry from a recent appearance on the Coffee Time program. 

According to Dr. Ketterman, Contract Construction is a general contractor that has been in business since 1984. The company is based in Columbia and primarily builds schools and athletic facilities throughout the state. 

Dr. Ketterman says that one of the visions of the company, due to its passion for the work they do and the schools the company builds, recognizes that there is a workforce shortage in the construction industry. The company, therefore, wanted to start building a talent pipeline for the future of Contract Construction and for the construction industry in general by recruiting and retaining students throughout all the school district’s. 

Dr. Ketterman goes on to say that it all begins with the career and technical education programs that are located in the high schools and some of the career centers across the state.