Cool August in OC

It was a cool August this year, reports Official U.S. Weather Observer Barbara Wilson from her weather station in Walhalla. “In August there were no days that had highs higher than 91 degrees, which is really unusual for us in August and the lows were in the 50s or the 60s, I think the lowest was 58 degrees or 57 degrees. We did have a wet beginning on the month with for the whole month 8.83 inches of precipitation, but there was no significant precipitation for the last three weeks.” Numbers may be different where you live, Wilson recorded these figures from her weather station, which is about a mile from downtown Walhalla. Wilson and her family, the Brandts, have been recording the weather from Walhalla for the National Weather Service for over 100 years. They are the longest active weather watchers and volunteer reporters for the National Weather Service.