Cooler July than expected this Year

Normally when one thinks of July in the south, the heat comes to mind. However, it was much cooler this year than expected, reports Official U.S. Weather Observer Barbara Wilson from her weather station in Walhalla. “Overnight was the most measurable precipitation we’ve had since the 26th of July, we had 1.12 inches and it was during the night. The high yesterday was 82 and the low was 68. For July, the total rainfall was 3.69 inches. A lot of people have been saying its been so hot, but for July the average temperature was right at 87, it only got up to anything above 90 early in the month. So, its been a relatively cool July this year.” Numbers may be different where you live, Wilson recorded these figures from her weather station, which is about a mile from downtown Walhalla. Wilson and her family, the Brandts, have been recording the weather from Walhalla for the National Weather Service for over 100 years. They are the longest active weather watchers and volunteer reporters for the National Weather Service.