County Planning Director Update Committee On Highway 123 Corridor Plan

(Seneca, SC)————-Before Oconee County Council held their regular meeting last Tuesday night, the Planning and Economic Development Committee held a meeting in Council Chambers. 

During the meeting, Oconee County Planning Director Adam Chapman updated the Committee on the status of the Highway 123 Corridor Plan.

Chapman says that there was excellent community participation and Chapman told the committee that he has the final draft in his hands.  However, Chapman is planning to meet with officials with Duke Energy regarding a 200 foot wide Duke easement which is located on Wells Highway at Highway 123 before the Planning Commission releases the report to County Council for their consideration.

Some of the main points of the Plan revolves around bus stops, turn lanes, shared access of frontage roads and multi-use sidewalks.

Chapman said that the earliest that the report could be presented to County Council may be in August.