DHEC COVID-19 Numbers Update: Dr. Linda Bell “Concerned” About Spike of Cases

This brings the total number of people confirmed to have COVID-19 in South Carolina to 18,795 and those who have died to 600. The death occurred in a middle-aged individual from Jasper County.
The number of new cases by county are listed below.
Abbeville (4), Aiken (4), Anderson (25), Bamberg (4), Beaufort (24), Berkeley (21), Calhoun (3), Charleston (72), Cherokee (1), Chester (3), Chesterfield ( 7), Clarendon (8), Colleton (4), Darlington (3), Dillon (1), Dorchester (16), Edgefield (1), Fairfield (2), Florence (21), Georgetown (14), Greenville (140), Greenwood (31), Horry (95), Kershaw (15), Lancaster (6), Laurens (11), Lee (2), Lexington (49), Marion (2), Marlboro (5), Newberry (4), Oconee (5), Orangeburg (29), Pickens (15), Richland (69), Saluda (6), Spartanburg (20), Sumter (32), Union (1), Williamsburg (4), York (20)
State epidemiologist Dr. Linda Bell said she is concerned about the recent spike of COVID-19 cases in the Palmetto State…