District Three Oconee County Councilman Paul Cain Discusses Utica Mill Hill Issues and Possible City Annexation of the Utica Area on Coffee time program

(Seneca, SC)———District Three Oconee County Councilman Paul Cain was a guest on the Coffee Time program earlier today on 94.1 The Lake and part of the conversation this morning centered on potential solutions to the problems on the Utica Mill Hill.

Cain commented on a partnership between the city of Seneca and Oconee County in regards to the Utica Mill Hill but also the possibility of Seneca annexing the Utica Mill Hill into the city.

“I have had a number of conversations with leaders in Seneca who are elected officials or on the executive side,” says Councilman Cain. “I have talked with them about annexing in Utica and I don’t fault them for this but they said ‘We don’t want to be responsible for policing that area until the county can make it safe.’”

“It is a county area. It is a densely populated area. The house are built very close together so there are several hundred structures in a square mile or so,” says Cain. “Ideally, I would love to see Oconee County partner with Seneca and work together to police that area, make it safe and then see Seneca annex that in.”

“Seneca already provides water, sewer and electricity to that area so I would love to see that,” continues Councilman Cain. “We have got to get it cleaned up first, I think, before they would really consider that and that is one of my priorities for District Three.”