Documentary Film Project filming in Walhalla

The documentary film project, Oconee People, will be shooting in Walhalla, now through April 15. All Oconee County residents are invited to participate. Oconee People is a documentary film and digital media art project that will explore the character and personality of Oconee County through video portraits of its residents. The project is currently seeking participants for short interviews about life, love, faith, family and friends, work, politics, and all aspects of life in the Golden Corner. Participants of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds are welcome. If you have something to say that the rest of the world needs to hear, they want to talk to you. Interviews will be conducted in Room A of the Conservatory Building Annex of the Walhalla Performing Arts Center (WPAC) in downtown Walhalla. This is the old high school building next to the soccer field and between the WPAC and the Walhalla Recreation Department gym, Interviews will last between sixty and ninety minutes on average. Participants will not be paid. Each interview will be produced as its own short film, and released through the Oconee People website and social media channels. The filmmaker, Clay Kilby, grew up in Oconee County, just down the street from Walhalla Elementary School. He now lives in Oakland, California, where he works as a filmmaker and graphic designer serving Bay Area nonprofits. Those interested in participating should contact Kilby by email at [email protected] or by calling 864-402-9241. For more information, visit,, or