Donations welcomed at OHC

Whether it be artifacts, images or funds, the Oconee Heritage Center (OHC) always welcomes donations, says Director and Curator Leslie Hagerty. “We do get some financial help from Oconee County, we get some from the cities of Walhalla and Westminster, but it really only adds up to at best half of what we need to continue operating, so we do count on donations and grants for the remainder. Grants can be kind of limited especially in certain ways, so any kind of donation is helpful. Membership is a great way to help, but if you can donate at a higher level we certainly could use it and appreciate it. Naturally like everyone else we have overhead but museums do incur some special costs. The supplies that we need to take care of artifacts are kind of specialized and can be a little expensive as well, so that is a big need. We of course go through lots of cleaning supplies and glass cleaner and all that usual stuff as well, which is a great in kind donation if you just have some of that stuff. Office supplies are similar if you just want to bring those by, but likewise if you have an artifact that you want to donate or a photograph or something like that that pertains to Oconee County’s history that is a great contribution as well. Arguably maybe more important, so we want to encourage that. We are still collecting and if you have any questions at all about how that process goes or what donating really entails please just come and talk to us. That is two completely different ways to help museum, but both very, very important to how we operate.” The OHC is located at 123 Brown’s Square Drive in downtown Walhalla. The hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 11am to 5pm. Learn more at