Don’t Advertise Christmas Gifts to Thieves

The Oconee County Sheriff’s Office warns residents not to advertise to thieves this holiday season. Don’t display Christmas gift boxes on the street with the trash, says Oconee County Sheriff’s Office Public Information Officer Jimmy Watt. “A lot of times people get wonderful gifts for the holidays; electronics, TVs, gaming systems, computers and everything else. Do your best to break down those boxes and either take them to the recycling centers or the landfill or put them in your trash can. Break them down as much as you can because if you leave those boxes out in plain view on the side of the road, then guess what, if somebody is looking for an opportunity to rob you, they have a pretty good idea what you got in your house for Christmas. That brand new 60-inch flat screen TV, they’re going to know that you got it. So, if you can break those boxes down or take them to the recycling binds or hold on to them and keep them in your house where they are not in plain view it might save you from getting robbed.” The recycling centers around Oconee County and the county landfill will be closed on Christmas Day, Monday, Dec. 25, Tuesday, Dec. 26, and on New Year’s Day, Monday, Jan. 1, with a return to a normal schedule on Thursday, Jan. 4.