Don’t let a Cooking Fire ruin Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time of year for families and friends to get together, but as cooking is a major activity of this holiday it presents a greater risk of home fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), nearly four times as many home cooking fires occur on Thanksgiving as on a typical day. The NFPA’s latest report (2011-2015) shows that cooking equipment is the leading cause of home structure fires and civilian injuries and the second leading cause of home fire deaths in the U.S. For most, the kitchen is the heart of the home, especially during the holidays. From testing family recipes to decorating cakes and cookies, everyone enjoys being part of the preparations. So, keeping fire safety top of mind in the kitchen during this joyous but hectic time is important, especially when there’s a lot of activity and people at home. As you start preparing your holiday schedule and organizing that large family feast, remember, by following a few simple safety tips you can enjoy time with your loved ones and keep yourself and your family safer from fire. Stay in the kitchen when you are cooking so you can keep an eye on the food. Never leave the stove or oven unattended, especially with young children or pets, make sure to keep them 3 feet away. Roll up sleeves before turning on the burner. Low hanging clothing can easily catch fire and cause severe burns. Set up cooking timers. Doing this is more beneficial than just knowing when to pull the food out of the oven. Overcooking can also lead to oven fires. Keep flammable materials away from burners. This includes towels, paper towels, oven mitts, food wrappers, pot holders, pizza boxes, and other paper, plastic, and fabric materials. Be sure electric cords from an electric knife, coffee maker, plate warmer or mixer are not dangling off the counter within easy reach of a child. Make sure your smoke alarms are working.