Duke Energy to host Open House

Duke Energy invites residents to attend a community open house on Wednesday, May 22 to learn more about a recently completed agreement-in-principle related to future operations for the Keowee-Toxaway Hydroelectric Project. The agreement-in-principle is a non-binding agreement among stakeholders outlining proposed hydroelectric operations, lake level management, recreational amenities, regional drought response and other considerations for the next 30 to 50 years. The agreement is a major milestone toward shaping future operations of Lake Jocassee and Lake Keowee, as well as managing related natural resources. Stakeholders completed the agreement-in-principle this week after extensive studies and negotiations under way since September 2012. Those interested in learning more about the contents of the agreement-in-principle are invited to attend the May 22 open house from 4 to 8pm at the Clemson University Madren Center at 230 Madren Center Drive in Clemson. Study information will be available, as will experts who can answer questions and gather input. The agreement-in-principle and other relicensing information are available at http://www.duke-energy.com/lakes/keowee-toxaway-relicensing.asp.