Duke Energy urges preparation ahead of Hurricane Florence

As forecasts increasingly predict that Hurricane Florence is expected to significantly impact North Carolina and South Carolina, Duke Energy is preparing for the storm and urges customers to do the same. The company expects widespread damage and power outages as Hurricane Florence is forecasted to be a large and extremely dangerous storm system, packing fierce winds and torrential rainfall. Historical data and company experience indicate that total power restoration from a storm of this magnitude could take multiple days to several weeks, depending on the extent of damage and post-storm conditions, such as ongoing high winds and severe flooding, after the storm passes though the region. The governors of North Carolina and South Carolina have declared states of emergency in advance of the hurricane. In advance of the hurricane, Duke Energy is moving power restoration crews from its Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and Florida utilities so that they are staged in the Carolinas and ready to help the company’s Carolinas-based crews restore power as soon as it is safe to do so. In addition, line technicians and workers are checking equipment, supplies and inventories to ensure adequate materials are available to make repairs and restore power outages. The company also is working with the Southeastern Electric Exchange to secure additional crews from other energy companies to assist.