Economic Incentive Committee to be formed in Seneca

Wanting to place businesses in empty downtown buildings, Seneca Mayor Dan Alexander plans to introduce an economic incentive package to the city council at their work session meeting next week. “We have been working very closely with the Oconee Economic Alliance, Janet Hartman and Richard Blackwell. I know they have been working closely with the other cities too. Along with them, Utilities Director Bob Faires, Finance Director Josh Riches, Planning Director Ed Halbig and myself have been getting together and talking about some of the things that other towns have done to help increase economic incentives to the town to help revitalize downtown. Some of that is new businesses, we are reaching out to them to come in, but also maybe existing businesses that are already here that would like to do somethings and ii maybe that if they meet certain qualifications they will be able to get some funding to help them do that. At the next work session, I know Ed is going to let everyone know what we have come up with so far.” In addition, Mayor Alexander wants to form a new committee to oversea economic development. “There will be a committee that will be set up of a couple of council members that will review what we are putting on the table. It is not set in stone yet because council would have to agree to it. But all the feedback I’m getting from council is they would love to see somethings that we might be able to do to help encourage economic development in the downtown. So, we will roll that out what we have been working with the Oconee Economic Alliance, look at what other towns have done, try to take advantage of what has been successful and hopefully some of those things will be successful for us. Ours will be unique, we will just take different ideas from different people and maybe come up with some of our own ideas that feel like might best work here. So, there will be a committee also set up next week to review these and make recommendations in the future too.” Members of the Seneca City Council are appointed to serve on committees governing different areas of the city. Mayor Alexander plans to discuss new committee assignments with council members at the work session meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 30, at 6pm as well.