Eight graduate from SDOC this Summer

Last night, the School District of Oconee County held a graduation ceremony for eight students who received diplomas through the summer program, explains Oconee County Schools Superintendent Dr. Michael Thorsland. “Last night, we hosted our summer graduation and we put that graduation on for students who may have been unsuccessful in the spring semester of their senior year and not passed a class and they re-took something in summer school that made them eligible to graduate, but we also have students who choose to get ahead. So, we had some students graduate last night who should have been seniors this year, but they took an additional class in the summer so that they could graduate early. So, we did have that ceremony and it was a great time. We enjoyed shaking their hands and wishing them the best as they start a new chapter in their lives.” The summer commencement ceremony for the SDOC was held at West-Oak High School.