EPA praises Clemson Watershed Center

Federal and state environmental officials renewed an agreement with Clemson University’s Center of Excellence for Watershed Management for another five years, recognizing its work to help protect and improve water quality in South Carolina. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control marked the renewal of the memorandum of understanding in a ceremony Tuesday at EPA regional headquarters in Atlanta. Clemson is the first of 10 centers across the Southeast to be renewed.  To become a recognized Center of Excellence, the institution must demonstrate technical expertise in identifying and addressing watershed needs, involve its academic community in watershed planning, protection and restoration, be self-sustaining and partner with other institutions. EPA recognition offers technical and promotional assistance and agency support for grant applications. The center is part of Clemson University’s Institute of Applied Ecology and has been instrumental in developing the biennial S.C. Water Resources Conference established in 2008, fostering regional stormwater education consortiums through its Carolina Clear waterway protection and pollution prevention program.