Evaluating Sleep Environments

Do you wake up tired each morning?  Do you have trouble going to sleep?  Well it may be your environment.  Recent studies have shown that where you sleep plays a big factor in how well you sleep.  Health Coach Ellen Hotz says to ensure a restful night’s sleep conduct an evaluation of your sleep environment. “Is your mattress to soft or to firm?  Is your pillow worn out, is it comfortable?  You really want to check your environment.  You want to look at whether your room is cool enough, the room temperature at night should be between 65 and 72 degrees, but you really need to have cool environment.  You want a really dark environment.” Studies have shown that sleep is only beneficial if it is done in a cool, dark environment, adds Hotz. “Melatonin is only triggered by the darkness.  People will be on their computer or watching TV all the way up until when they think they are going to bed or they leave the TV on.  We are finding out now that electromagnetic fields and their emissions are contributing to interruptions of sleep.” Remove all electronic devices from the bedroom, concludes Hotz. “A lot sleep studies are looking at removing all of that from the bedroom and having the bedroom be a no zone for any kind of electronic device.” Health officials recommend six to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep each night in order to be ready for the following day.