Events planned to recognize CU President

A series of campus events honoring Clemson University President James F. Barker and his wife, Marcia, begins August 20, when he will deliver the keynote address at the Victor Hurst Convocation at the Brooks Center for the Performing Arts. This event, by tradition, commences the university’s academic year. Faculty and staff, many in their academic regalia, will walk in a processional to the Brooks Center at 8:30am, with the program following at 9am. This Convocation is open to community residents as well as faculty, staff, students and distinguished guests. Video of the ceremony will be streamed live from the university’s homepage. Barker announced in April that he would retire as Clemson’s 14th president and return to the faculty of the School of Architecture as soon as a new president is on board. A series of special events planned to recognize the 14-year service of Jim and Marcia Barker as Clemson’s “First Couple” also includes: A Family Picnic on Bowman Field on Aug. 30th from 11am to 1pm. Hosted by the university’s board of trustees and the presidents of Faculty and Staff Senates and Undergraduate and Graduate Student Governments, the event will include a brief program beginning at 12:15pm. In case of rain, the picnic will be in Littlejohn Coliseum. On the field recognition during the Clemson-Georgia football game August 31. Between the first and second quarters, an announcement and check will be presented representing total contributions to the Barker Scholars Unrestricted Scholarship Endowment, a new endowment established this summer. The Barker Scholars endowment, a part of “The Will to Lead” capital campaign, will support need-based scholarships for undergraduate students. Full information is available on how to give to the Barker Scholars online or by text-to-give. Checks made payable to the Clemson Fund for “Barker Scholars” may also be mailed to P.O. Box 1889, Clemson, SC, 29633. The amount raised for the endowment by August 26 will be announced at the Clemson-Georgia game. Gifts will be accepted beyond that date, but people are encouraged to act now if they want their gift counted in the public announcement.