Executive Director Of Oconee Economic Alliance Provides Update On Horton, Inc.

(Seneca, SC)————-Before Oconee County Council held their regular meeting last Tuesday night, the Planning and Economic Development Committee held a meeting in Council Chambers. 

During the meeting, Janet Hartman, Executive Director for the Oconee Economic Alliance, provided an economic development update for the Committee, including an update on Horton, Inc., who announced earlier this year that they would be constructing their first ever Southeast manufacturing facility in Oconee County.

Hartman said that the Horton, Inc. investment is $20 million dollars with 125 jobs with the proposed building that will house the project increasing in size from 105,000 square feet to 115,000 square feet at this time.

Hartman said the company recently met with contractors with the hope that they will choose a contractor soon.

Hartman said that Horton, Inc. has started their hiring as they are working with Phillips Staffing with the prospects of hiring a plant manager within the next 30 to 60 days.

Hartman said that Horton, Inc. is very impressed with Oconee County with the leadership team attending Jazz On The Alley recently in downtown Seneca.