Fall finally arrives in Golden Corner

Fall has finally arrived in the Golden Corner of South Carolina and it’s getting colder, tells Official U.S. Weather Observer Barbara Wilson. “The high yesterday was 77, the low was 61 and we had here at the county seat only .33 inches of rain with showers over night. Our low was a little higher than usual because of the rain coming through, but on Oct. 12, I recorded a low of 47 with the previous day was 69. So, fall is definitely here, but the temperatures are going up and down as far as fronts coming through and rain.” Wilson gives rain fall totals so far for October. “Just over three inches for the total of October.” Numbers may be different where you live, Wilson recorded these figures from her weather station, which is about a mile from downtown Walhalla. Wilson and her family, the Brandts, have been recording the weather from Walhalla for the National Weather Service for over 100 years. They are the longest active weather watchers and volunteer reporters for the National Weather Service.